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Striving for Space and Mankind


APSI, developed the PVSAT.

Manager 2022-09-29 Number of views 2,843

At 10 am on June 22, 2022, the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning and Korea Aerospace Research Institute released the statement, “After successfully separating the PVSAT into its designated orbit, the Nuri-ho has succeeded in its first bi-directional communication with the Daejeon ground station of Korea Aerospace Research Institute at around 3:02 am on June 22.”

The PVSAT (Performance Verification Satellite) was designed and developed by APSI, a domestic company. The width, length, and height are 90 cm each, and the total weight is 162 kg.

For the next two years, the PVSAT will carry out its in-orbit mission, circulating the earth orbit 14.6 times a day, at a speed of 7.9 km/s, which is seven times of the speed of a bullet.

The most important task the PVSAT should perform is to demonstrate and evaluate the in-orbit performances of domestically developed satellite payloads and their backbone technologies, which include S-band antenna, CMG (Control Moment Gyro) for satellite attitude control, and ETG (Electrical Heated Thermoelastic Generator). Among these devices subject, the one that draws particular attention is the ETG developed by the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute.
