On-Board Computer (OBC) is a central computer for satellite control consisting of high-performance processor, communication data analysis and creation module, satellite component control and monitoring module, etc.
OBC provides a hardware platform for operation of flight software (FSW) for satellite operation, controls the Payload and BUS. and collects and stores the status information to be transmitted to the ground station.
On-Board Computer (OBC) is a central computer for satellite control which provides a hardware platform for operation of flight software for satellite operation, controls the satellite, and collects and stores the status information data of the BUS and Ppayload to transmit to the ground station.
Asia Pacific Satellite Inc. created a modulardesign by function for OBC and applied standardized communication interface to develop theStandard On-Board Computer (SOBC) which can reduce development period, cost, and risk through restructuring of function modules when being applied to new satellites.
SOBC of Asia Pacific Satellite Inc. is an optimal product that can be utilized in various space missions including low earth orbit satellites, geostationary satellites, deep space exploration satellites, landing modules, etc.